Adam : What is does the average howdon day consist of for you?
Hotdog: gym and going to my lasses
A: Do you miss skateboarding at alll?
H: not really because most of the people didnt like me anyway soo..
A: I loved you...If you could say anything to Buster right now what would it be?
H: freek change ya socks
A:Was he one of the main reasons you quit?
H: not realy i thought he was canny at first but then he just started being a dick to me for no reason.
A: Enough of Buster for now....What was your favourite skate spot and why?
H: white college or secret spot because it was small and fun to skate and you could do alot of shit there
A: Was secret spot that ledge near the garage places?
H: naa the one with the stairs near pilgrim but that was a good spot aswell when we first found it.
A: Do you not fancy getting on a skateboard one day and come skating those spots again?
H: yeah but no one really liked me soo there was no real point but ive still got my board and that
A: That sounds canny libs like, It was just Buster. I noticed you love Wing Hong noodles, do you not miss that?
H: ohh ayee haha. Saw the pic of me you and Glen on Myspace.
A: Do you regret the topless myspace photos?
H: well i dont really remember them and it was hardly flashing.
A: Did the ladies love it though?
H: Rites.
A: To end this on.....anything you would like to say to any skateboarders in particular?
H: Buster is a dick but the rest who new me were propa canny.
A: Stoked. It has been lovely talking to you, Goodnight David.
H: later
And to top it all off here is a Buster's weekly montage David linked me to, featuring Kickflips from The Hotdog, and even a big manny from yours truely.