However, today we have some of the best snaps from the ten days out there for you all to enjoy;
First of we have some hot, oily, suncreamy action. (Left)
We also have Hopper consuming the thing in which when demanded for reduced his mental age to an infants, yes thats right; "I need my juice man!" (Below)

Next we have epic hammers from Matty Smith at the shell beaches, the spot that left me focused for several days after skating it. That thing is hard to skate! (Below, Left)

Next we have the very same Hitler youth looking fellow expressing his disapproval towards animals that are kept in cages the sizes of shoe boxes to be sold as pets in about 30 degree heat... in the middle of a busy high street. (Down there)

As enders for this little blog post, I thought I'd share with you all a lovely photo of Mr. Hopper, after he recieved the peoples elbow.

Thanks for reading-
, Adairsy.