Jackie is currently backing these Death hats...you seen them here first. Get to Native if you fancy keeping your head warm and want to rep the word 'cunt' this winter.

After a while we finally planned on meeting Dan, who had still been asleep. We tryed getting in touch with Buster but he is pretty slack and has vanished off the earth. Some people say he recently got an emo girlfriend and they like to cut each other all day long, but I am not sure, thats just what I have been told. So before heading to Bridges on this freezing cold wet day we ate sandwiches and read the paper.
Mellon was stoked on this article.......

We skated the mini ramp for a little bit and when Dan tryed to throw down bangers he ended up throwing down mad slams across the flat bottom.

London Tom said "Get a picture of me with my new set up" so I did, and not long after that it snapped. Poor little Tom has just lost one in the Tyne and now this happens...we all feel for you in these hard times Tom.

People were over the session pretty quick. James spend most of his time in this car alone, I heard he was thinking about taking the hand break off and focusing him self on the round-a-bout he was that over it. Dan must have calmed him down.