the credit crunch is hitting little connor's family pretty hard. he's been reduced to foreging in the bin opposite native for scraps.

hopper was repping the dD pretty hard.

the panda struck a pretty rad pose.

heelflip mark recently added a pink streak to his hair. he's moving up in the world of emo.

the artfag prison also has new hair, yeah jason dill.

ginger jamie threw his board at little will. will ran over the grass to not get burst by it and his shoes got stuck in the mud. focused for the kid.

ginger jamie stressed out over filming as usual.


i crashed into ghetto sean and burst his nose. he wasn't too stoked.

i currently havn't got my head round the settings on my camera yet. due to this the skating picture of the day is pretty weak. little connor beasty hardflip.
love buster