pizzi lizzi was on the session.

as was mini john. since moving away to uni he has become pretty slack, but on his return to the toon he has picked up where he left off and started putting down hammers again.

dan dvs got murked.

the ghetto sean manual. this is pretty gnarly, if you fall off the ledge you are pretty much going to die.

mini john board to board hammers!

then we went to leazers grate gap with the black bish's emerica bench. the art prison was getting second angles.

dan dvs k. this looks photoshopped to fuck but it isn't. pre set white balance shit gets real.

dan dvs front board. he did a few more tricks but the pictures look shit. the black bish is in the way in every one.

the black bish did a monkey impression. it was sick.

andyo was even on session with familyo.

then we went to the black bish's. the black bish was stone cold chillin'.

if the black bish needs a piss in the night by the time he's walked to the toilet and back he's awake and can't get back to sleep. he has developed a cunning method to over come this. piss in a glass i tss!

i was on the session.

the ghetto sean wore the black bish's new rocks. pretty real.

fudgy wudgy i tss?

skate 2 got shut down then it was session over.
a pretty extreme blog possibly coming tommorow.
love buster