Bish was ready to get down, he sang to all his favourite songs and changed them all before they had finished.

The man himself Bryce came to meet us upon our arrival, little did we know how many pints and take aways he had instore for us.

Tom was out of the car as soon as he could, he even did a bit of free running around Leeds when we had some time to spare.

After locking the car away, I happened to leave my camera, but as we arrived we headed straight to the pub and then for a late night skate with Jamie Adair, before making our way to Bryces for more drinks.

and Skate. Lots of Skate.

Bish didn't need a sleeping bag, he just sleept in this outfit every night.

The morning lead to even more Skate. The ring leader who started this trend must have been London Tom.

We realised the Vans shop was just down the street from us, so first thing in the morning we headed out and every visitor ended up buying shoes from some where or other.

Tom found these Adidas in TK Maxx, booze 'n' tits pro model. Good find.

It was a wet wet day so Bingo gave us directions to this dry spot, not many photos, but I promise it got destroyed. Footage from Matty should be up at the end of the month.

Bish doesn't give a shit about the rain, he gets his hippy street moves on.

Matty pleased.

We ended up walking a long long long long way to Hyde Park until our feet were sore to find it was wet.

Guess what we did next...

By this point everyone was ready to party n tings. So that is exactly what we did. Camera was not present for this part, unless you check Bishes facebook.

In the morning, Bish was feeling rough after being sick in 2 full pint glasses and having an hour sleep in the club. Keeping it real.

First spot of Saturday.

Matty was getting himself some footage.

Leeds is full of stones, drains and people getting in the way as Matty found out.

This was one of the many games played on the trip along with the dreaded "Birdman club"

Bish was cold, tired and looked pretty over it. Don't drink kids.

We all know Tom is into his quirky fashion, but he decided to take it to the next level in Leeds.

Londoners unite.

Matty destroyed one of the best looking benches ever.

Thanks very much to this man for the company, the place to stay and making this trip rad as faaaaaack...