The Play:Space exhibition kicked off today...

Plenty of photos from to check out from Ben, Stitt, Johnny and Adam Bell. The ones on the door here are from Ben, it was unfortunate that he couldn't make it, but check out his photos
here. The event also included a TV with a slide of various photos, including many that have appeared here on The Deekies.

Matty and Jamie both had video pieces at the show, firstly was the 'Under The Bridge' short documentary made by the two and a piece made by Matty, including all of his montages so far and a couple of extra unseen shorts thrown in there, which I can hopefully get ahold of soon. Bish and Jimbo also had videos playing at the show, including 'Way Up North' and Bish's Bridges short.

Looking good...

Arse kid was in attendance.

Checking out Adam Bell's work...

The walls included maps and posters with plenty of information on different famous spots. My favourite quote that made it on to the prints was Alex Bowen's "first stairs I kickflipped" on the Leazes 13 posters.

Some harsh scrawlings...

The centre of the exhibition included a a big map of Newcastle/Gateshead and pens were available for anyone to add any information they liked. Giving pens to skateboarders did inevitably lead to the tyne being a massive knob and allow you to find where Bish masturbates.

I helped...

A proud Stitt...

The highlight of the show to me was Johnny's work...

Some amazing photos and soon you will be able to see him posting them right here.
