So last week the majority of people who skate, have skated or infact heard of a skateboard, stayed at my flat.
The first thing on the cards was for Jamie Adair to take an overly long shower at some unearthly hour and then flood my bathroom.
After sort of cleaning it up we headed to my local spot which I hate, Elephant and Castle blocks. It contains blocks of different sizes and widths, a manual pad and stairs. I dislike every single one of these elements and decided to do fuck all. My mate Nick however decided to actually skate and ollied into this sketchy bank.

We then headed to a my favorite spot, Kennington bowl where Blind Johnny front lipped, front smithed and front 5050'd the quarter until he became dizzy from repeating said stunts.

For anyone who has ever been involved with a filming trip organised by Krishna Muthurangu, they'll know that he is organised to the point that he should be in the army. To prove this point he came to London with one tape for his camera which had 10 minutes left on it. After a mission to find tapes we went to the hip by the Heygate Estate which are fucking horrible to skate. Sadly I fell over warming up in a game of skate and pulled my insulin pump out of my stomach and couldn't play skateboards. A good piece of advice for anyone thinking of venturing here for a fun skate, don't. The hip is steep, the bank is harsh and this was the first place I ever saw a real gun.

At this point James Rooney left to go watch the football so we headed over to London Bridge to skate the plaza which thankfully had been "cleaned". It's still covered in bird shit but you can roll from one side to the other without eating shit. Jack was killing it and doing some ridiculous quick footed lines. Sadly when the camera came out he just couldn't get it.

It's also the first time I ever saw Jack sweat. It's good to know even the gods are human.
We then went to Mudchute but I was having too much fun skating in circles to take photos.

Other than wanting to do front smith 180 outs at different spots, Blind Johnny was here for his Degree Final Show. This is the night when you meet all of the big wigs of the industry and have a chance to put your foot in the door. Instead of taking this oppurtunity, he decided to keep skating and buy me a 15 inch pizza for £6.

Bish was repping some pretty gay socks.

After being forced to clean the bathroom properly Jamie gave us all a chance to see why he was in Vogue.

The next morning we woke up bright and early and headed to Shoreditch benches. They're blocks in the middle of Shoreditch park which are pretty rad except it was fucking boiling and there's no shade.

Being the great representatives of having disabilites, me and Bish decided to show the world that you can still be sexy if you have a needle stuck in your stomach or your lower intestine popping out.

After Shoreditch benches we decided to go to Mile End because we all love crowded skateparks with slippy floors. We met up with James, Jack and my mate Glenn.

A man who truly loves slippy floors and skateparks full of rude girls on bmx's is Dirty Dave, I don't think I've ever been at Mile End without him.

So Bish and co left London town and I had about four minutes before Adam and Dan arrived. We had a pretty relaxed night then got up early so we could skate South Bank so Dan could warm up to drop bombs. Sadly the bomb he dropped was snapping his board straight away.

After a quick trip to Slam City we headed to the comp.

Wasn't too keen on the layout of the course. Most of the interesting stuff was on the massive driveway and most people just stuck to skating the flat blocks so the whole idea of skating weird objects was defeated.
I was pretty over watching people I didn't know do manuals so skated the mini ramp with Dan and took no photos.

Also for those who don't have me on Facebook, here's a little preview of what I found in my new house. Poker promotional materials, terrible sun glasses, a kendo sword and a dildo.